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Key Decisions/Positive Choices
Adult, Adolescent and Family Chemical Dependency and
Behavioral Health Care Services           (216) 391-0977       
Key Decisions/Positive Choices - Services
At Key Decisions/Positive Choices, we believe that our client's circumstances impact the entire family, therefore, we offer a full range of services.  Our staff of expert substance abuse specialists have partnered with a clinical team of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Licensed Independent Social Workers, Clinical Counselors and Community Support Agencies.  This network allows our staff to effectively assess each client and develop comprehensive treatment plans.
OUR MISSION: To provide quality and timely services to our clients and the court while providing a needed community service
Community Support Services include service coordination and advocacy focusing on the clients need and desire to maintain an effective level of functioning in the home, school, work and community.
72 Hour Driver Intervention Program
was established in 2001. It is a program of screening, education, and referral for individuals who are arrested and/or convicted of OVI/DUI offenses. Our program is accredited by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services and is well liked by courts throughout Northeast Ohio.  

There may be indigent funds available for individuals who meet one of the following criteria: a document which indicates the client is a recipient of public assistance, including supplemental security income (SSI), social security disability income (SSDI), Medicaid, temporary assistance for needy families, or whose income falls under the U.S. poverty guidelines. If approved for indigent funding and the funds are available, the State of Ohio will pay a portion of the DIP program fees with the remainder the responsibility of the client.

We also offer an 8 hour Remedial Driver Training course for individuals who wish to obtain a 2 point credit on their driver’s license. This course is accredited by the Ohio Department of Public Safety.  An 8-Hour Alcohol and Drug Education Course is also offered by appointment only.

Services are offered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, disability, gender or ability to pay.

Self-pay and Medicaid Insurance are accepted.  Under some circumstances, services are rendered on a sliding fee scale, or Pro-bono, based on need.

Please call for more information.
(216) 391-0977
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